Today we passed through Kelowna on the way to Big White Ski Resort.

We’ve never been to this part of Canada before.  Of course, every trip away from home is a fun opportunity to check out new vegan/vegetarian restaurants.  That’s definitely part of the fun of being vegan!

In Kelowna, we were excited to find (on Happy Cow) a completely vegan restaurant.  Spoiled!  I have a vegan life of abundance, not deprivation.

Lake Tai - IMG_1998

Lake Tai - IMG_2002

Lake Tai - IMG_1999 Meaning of Vegetarian - IMG_2000

We ordered some pan-fried dumplings for an appetizer.

Pan-fried Dumpling - IMG_2006

Pan-Fried Dumplings - IMG_2009

For dinner, we split an order of sweet & sour veggie meat.

It was very dessert-like, actually!

Sweet & Sour Veggie Meat - IMG_2007
We also split an order of stir-fried vegetables.  I adore broccoli and cauliflower.

Stir-Fried Vegetables - IMG_2008

Along with the bill, we were served a small “pineapple donut.”  YUM!

Pineapple Donut - IMG_2011

You can find this restaurant at:
1958 Kirschner Rd., Kelowna, BC  V1Y 4N6
Telephone:  778-478-9931